Saturday, August 27, 2011

GSL End of Summer BBQ

Girls, we all had so much fun at the barbeque, and are thrilled that everyone had such a great time meeting their sisters and the upper school girls. Big thanks to the Wardlaw family for graciously allowing us to borrow their home. We hope to have many events that go as well as this one did. Here are some photos from the event.

Photos by Britt Gates-Kayyem

If you have any photos from the even that you want featured on the site, e-mail Monique Bartley at:

The GSL Cabinet

Friday, July 22, 2011


Dear Girls,
          Each one of us on the GSL cabinet for the 2011-2012 school year couldn't be more excited to serve you and our community. Over the summer we have been hard at work planning events like the Big Sister/Little Sister Lunches, the dance show, and of course, the sleepover.
          This year we are trying out many different things like the GSL families and fun theme days. Even this website is new! We all thought it would be best to offer an easy, effective way to show everyone at Poly what we are working on, and make signing up for events easy. We might even throw in a few surprises, so make sure to check here regularly. 

-The GSL Cabinet